The Person: Greg ScullAt an early age, Greg Scull understood the value of making alliances and establishing connections with people. It was not unusual for him to stand up to older children and defend those who were seen as outside the main stream. He learned to listen to those that were older and build on their thoughts and experiences. As a teenager during the 1970's, Greg bridged the differences between those around him. He found himself in an era wrought with social, racial and ethnic confrontation. Values and class distinctions were being questioned at a time when he was molding his own thoughts and preferences. His experiences during this period of his life set the foundation for the work he would undertake later in life. His networking skills and his ability to make connections had been born. Solving problems and offering solutions came naturally. He was learning about the bigger pictures in life. Later he began to question the ways of others. Like most young men, Greg vowed to approach life differently than the mentors and the people that influenced him. How could people do the things that they do? Why do they do things like that? Don't they see a better way? His inexperience clouded the knowledge necessary to understand the answer. It was these years that gave him the answers to these questions. Through his work and family experiences, Greg grew to understand the ways of those that he questioned. Today, he finds himself bridging differences and bringing people together in a different fashion. His goal is to combine the experience and connections of those that have fulfilled their lives with those seeking to better their lives. One offers the opportunity. The other offers the means to accomplish the work. Both are working for a common good and financial benefit. Email Greg Scull at scull@att.net. |
So, who says friends and business don't mix? |
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